气体抽样的程序还是比较严谨的。当我一答应测试,负责这个项目的susan skye就从州首府塔拉哈西给俺打电话,解释各种注意事项,包括测试前72小时不得使用各种带喷雾装置的产品,比如香水,摩斯,空气清新剂等等;测试当天不得开窗,进入门要“迅速”。听说我不抽烟,她异常高兴,说这样的测试会更加准确,因为香烟里的有毒化学成分都高出正常值的百倍。第二天,公寓还送来一份材料列出种种禁用物品和一份同意书。遇到这样严肃的问题,俺心里也开始打鼓,是不是真的有毒气,是不是测试前三天不做饭了,省得菜烧糊了散发毒气。
二甲苯xylenes (total)
Information on Chemicals Found in Indoor Air in Your Apartment:
Acetone - used primarily as an intermediate in chemical production and as a solvent; manufactured chemical also found naturally in the environment; used to make plastic, fibers, drugs and other chemicals; found in vehicle exhaust, tobacco smoke, particle board, household chemicals, nail polish, paint, certain nail polish removers, particle board, some paint removers, many liquid of paste waxes or polishes, certain detergents or cleansers, carpet backing, adhesives, carburetor and choke cleaners; occurs naturally in plants, trees, forest fires and as a product of the breakdown of body fat; in air, about one-half of the total amount breaks down from sunlight or other chemicals every 22 days.
Benzene– found in certain plastics, glues, paints, furniture wax, resins, nylon and synthetic fibers; used to make some types of rubbers, lubricants, dyes, detergents, drugs and pesticides; a natural part of crude oil, gasoline and cigarette smoke; it reacts with other chemicals in the air and breaks down within a few days
2-Butanone - used in paints and other coatings, glues, and as a cleaning agent; made by some trees and found in some fruits and vegetables in small amounts; released into the air from car and truck exhausts and cigarette smoke; in air, one-half of it will break down from sunlight in 1 day or less; also known as methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)
Chloromethane - found in cigarette smoke, polystyrene insulation, aerosol propellants, chlorinated swimming pools; created when grass, wood, charcoal and plastics are burned; it is present at very low levels throughout the atmosphere; breaks down slowly in air
Ethylbenzene – found in inks, gasoline, carpet glues, varnishes, insecticides, paints, natural products such as coal tar and petroleum; used as a solvent, in fuels and to make other chemicals; it takes about 3 days to break down in air to other chemicals
Hexane – These solvents are also used as cleaning agents in the printing, textile, furniture, and shoemaking industries. Certain kinds of special glues used in the roofing and shoe and leather industries also contain n-hexane. Several consumer products contain n-hexane, such as gasoline, quick-drying glues used in various hobbies, and rubber cement.
Styrene - found in rubber, plastic, insulation, fiberglass, pipes, automobile parts, food containers, carpet backing, building materials, tobacco smoke and naturally in fruits, vegetables, nuts, beverages and meats.
Toluene - found in paints, paint thinners, fingernail polish, gasoline, kerosene, heating oil, lacquers, adhesives, rubber and in some printing and leather tanning processes; toluene usually does not stay in the environment long
Xylene – occurs naturally in petroleum and coal tar and is formed during forest fires; found in cleaning agents, paint thinner, paints, varnishes, shellac, rust preventatives, cigarette smoke, vehicle exhaust; used in printing, rubber and leather industries; in air, it is broken down by sunlight into other less harmful chemicals
Reference a – ATSDR TOXFAQs http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxfaq.html
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